Grooming Services
Our groomers are our rock stars very long time. We are genuinely grateful for the services they provide both to our boarding clients, as well as our regular "shampoo and trim" clients. Below you can put a name to a face and learn a little more about the team, as well as their availability. If you're an existing client, thank you, if not, we hope you'll try out our grooming services listed below.
Note, Grooming hours are different than Boarding Drop-off and Pick-up Hours: 8 AM - Noon, 7-days a week.
*Call before 10 AM for possibility of a same day appointment.
Just need a clean-up? We can help bathe and condition your dog or cat.​
Prices range from $35 - $80 depending on the size and coat of your pet.
*Anal gland expressing is include for canines if required.
We can provide the proper styling for your breed. Full coat, ears, paws and tail.​
Prices range from $40 - $100 depending on the size and coat of your pet.
* All styling includes Bath & Brush.
NAIL Trim & file
Typically $5 with one of the other services.
Dependent on size and temperament of your pet. ​
Need a special treatment for your dog or cat? Special occasion coming up? Our groomers can help!

Lynne has worked at West Wind Kennels for 28 years. She specializes in dogs of all breeds and owns two dogs of her own: Dax & Butter. In her off time, she loves to visit her cabin in Idaho and dabbles in gold prospecting.
Availability: Tuesday, Thursday and Friday